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SingSignStory is a programme of work centered around singing & storytelling using ​BSL or Makaton signing. We work in partnership with a number of Sign language ​interpreters as well as local Makaton Tutor & Ambassador, Sarah Arthur.

In 2023 we worked with members of the community across Grimsby, Immingham & ​Cleethorpes to write ‘This is Home’ which will be premiered very soon and available ​to learn and teach locally!

This project centered around North East Lincolnshire was funded by North East ​Lincolnshire Council through Create NEL, supporting using funds from Arts Council ​England.

Check out our REACH OUT project HERE

Our SingSignStory team can often be seen out and about delivering songwriting, ​stories, poetry and other fun creative activities using signing!


Grunge Distressed Circle

This project explores the Coritani tribe through music, art & performance as a way to connect local people to their heritage.

Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow

The Coritani (also known

as the Corieltauvi, or Corieltavi) were an agricultural tribe of people living in Britain prior to the Roman conquest, and thereafter a civitas of Roman Britain.


older than our civil war, older than french vikings, older than danes

older than saxon, angle or jute, older than roman, but knew him well

haunts a ragged edge of this land, where the sea has become nomad

how many bones fill this windswept outpost with wailing descant

wait for wind to whisper and moan their raw, frigid, tedious talk

a liminal place, sparse ground, where cod swim through thick clay

how many stories can a storyteller tell to ears washed in seawater

coritani shanakee native to this soil, it boils with eel and bogtrotter

who use reeds to roof their roundhouse, where he trades his words

so many marginal birds wade the rich mud that coats this coast

walking the ket bank between what will become our abbey hill

and fishing huts on wild, weather beaten, gale swept holme hill

backwater in a world full of backwaters, a wet coastal outpost

bran's words wind shuffled in his rainy season, telltalers head

spirits and gods that fill and inform the cut of his familial story

soon new gods will invade, encroach upon old ways and byways

push sense and understanding into strange unfamiliar corners

water down everyday genius loci, till they become fable beings

until then herons fly through the marsh, skim reedbed chatter

take the ghost of a trickster fibber and slacken his hold on time

by Keith Suddrey

Creative Heritage Workshops

Grunge Distressed Circle

Explore our heritage through music & arts workshops!

Our team work closely with schools & communities to deliver high quality heritage workshops using music, arts & storytelling to engage children in a fun adventure exploring history!

Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow

Humber Taiko

Humber Taiko is a project supporting the development of Japanese style Taiko drumming across the Humber region and beyond!

Through the Humber Taiko project, we provide Taiko Academy workshops for schools and communities as well as teacher training.

Humber Taiko also has an ensemble performance team available for events.

Get Creative! Fuelled Holiday Activities

Coritani work in partnership with North ​Lincolnshire Council & The Baths Hall in Scunthorpe ​to deliver a high quality creative programme for ​children during the holidays as part of the Fuelled ​Holiday activity delivery.

Our GET CREATIVE programme is back for Summer ​2024! Offering a diverse range of music & arts ​sessions for young people including DJ & Music ​Production, Drumming sessions, Theraputic Art, ​Drama & Games.

The programme also includes specialist SEND ​delivery.

Log in and book for the summer holidays!

We have already delivered a number of highly successful programmes across Summer 2023 ​and Easter 2024 - we can’t wait to be back!


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